Rabu, 26 September 2018

Morphology (Nuriatul Hikmah)

First summary (1)
26 September 2018

Hello internasional poeople, 
Welcome to my blog... uhmm the first blog actually. Happy reading guys!

Before it, Allow me introduce my self, my name is Nuriatul hikmah you can call me Nury or Uyi or etc. Up to you...i’m from Ciamis and now i’m fifth semester of English Education Department student. 

Okay, in this moment  i’ll share about MORPHOLOGY, what is it? let’s check in.

A. The Four Core Areas Of Linguistics
1. Phonetics and phonology deal with pronounciation.
2. Morphology cover the structure of words, deal with word process.
3. Syntax study of the sentence structure, syntax explains sentence patterens.
4. Semantics study of the meaning.

B. Morpheme
A morpheme is a meaningful linguistics unit consisting of a word (such as a dog) or a word element (such as the –s at the end of dogs) that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts. Morpheme is the smallest or minimum meaning unit in linguistic.  The synonym of morpheme is glosseme.

Simple Word and Complex Word
Simple word is a word that has one or two morphemes e.g. Dislike (Dis+Like).
Complex word is a word that has more than two morphemes. E.g. Inflection (In+Flec+Tion).

Free Morpheme and Bound Morpheme
Free morpheme can function independently as words (egg, apple) and can appear within lexemex (e.g. townhall, doghouse).
Bound morpheme is appear only as parts of words, always in conjunction with a root and sometimes with other bound morphemes.

Examples :
Chairs (two morphemes) :  Chair is Free morpheme

   S is Bound morpheme

Encouragement (three morphemes) :  En is Bound morpheme

   Courage is Free morpheme

   Ment is Bound morpheme

Unhappy (two morphemes) :  Un is Bound morpheme

   Happy is Free morpheme

Let’s look at word “Distrustfulness”
That word has four functional, and therefore, meaningful parts: Dis, trust, ful, ness (There are four morphemes). All four parts of this word function and are meaningful in other word of the English language: disprove, trusty, beautiful, and happines. We should notice, too, that these parts cannot be broken into smaller meaningful units.

C. Allomorph
Allomorphs are the variants of morpheme that differ in pronounciation but are semantically identical. If we say that the plural in English is denoted by symbol ( s ), then we can establish that the plural has three alternate pronouunciations: / s /, / iz /, and / z /. The word is pronounced according to the rule. E.g. Horse ( horses, Buzz ( Buzzez, Book ( Books.

D. Root/ Base and Stem
Root ( The basic of word)
Stem ( A word that after less one suffix)

Unladylike : Lady is Root
                                  Unlady is Stem
Nationalize : Nation is Root
                                  National is Stem
Distrustful : Trust is Root
                                  Distrust is Stem
Distrustfulness : Trust is Root
                                  Distrustful is Stem

E. Affix
Affix is a bound morpheme that appear before or after the base word. Affix divided into some classifications below:
1). Prefix ( Located before the base word ) e.g. Irregular ( Ir )
2). Infix ( Located in the middle of the base word )
3). Suffix ( Located after the base word) e.g. Actor ( Or )
4). Circumfix ( Combine the prefix and suffix) e.g. Encouragement ( En + Ment )
5). Simulfix ( changing a vowel) e.g. Eat ( Ate, Tooth ( Teeth ).

Ok guys, that’s all about summary of morphology, I hope it can be useful for us to understand. Thanks, see you on my next blog.

Compound Sentece and Compound-Compex Sentence

     COMPOUND SENTENCE AND COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE         (last syntax summary) Assalamu’alaikum wr,wb What’s up guys...