Sabtu, 15 Desember 2018

Compound Sentece and Compound-Compex Sentence


(last syntax summary)

Assalamu’alaikum wr,wb
What’s up guys !
In this occasion we are going to continue our discussion about SETENCES that haven’t finish last week. Did you remember it ?

                                   COMPOUND SENTENCE                                    

It contains two or more independent clause and no subordinate clauses. Independent clause maybe joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction, by correlative conjunction, b semicolon (:), by conjunctive adverb or by transitional expression.

Cordinative Conjunction

These conjunction join equal sentence parts. These are seven coordinate conjunctions:
For (Reason)
And (Argumentation)
Nor (Contrast)
But (Contrast)
Or (Contrast)
Yet (Contrast)
So (Reason)

Correlativ Conjunction

These conjunction, as seen in the case of compound subjects and predicates, are used in pairs.
Either ... or ...
Neither ... nor ...
Both ... and ...
Not only ... but also

Conjunctive Adverbs

These adverbs, like coordinate and correlative conjunction, are used to connect basic sentence patterns and make compound sentences.

Transitional Expressions

These expression are usually prepositional phrase used as adverbs.
After all
As a result
At any rat
By the way
For example
For instance
Even so
In fact
In other words
On the contrary
On the oter hand
In addition

Examples Compound Sentences

a). Everyone was busy, so I watched the movie alone.
b). Should we start class now, or wait for everyone to get here?
c). She did not cheat on the test, for it was the wrong thing to do.
d). We should turn our assignment before 12 o’clock; otherwise, the professor will not accepted them.
e). Check back tomorrow; I will see if the book has arrived. (with semicolon)

                               COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE                         

It is the most complicated sentences. Contains two or more independent clauses (coordinate) and at least one dependent clause (subordinate).

Examples Compound-Complex Sentence

a). Rina doesn’t like cartoons because they are loud, so she doesn’t watch them.
b). My sister doesn’t like –drama because it is boring, so he ignore it.
c). Usually I take a walk everyday while the sun sets, but it was raining today.
d). I can start a conversation that makes people interested, but it’s hard to keep it going because I often run out of things to say.

How To Make Compound-Complex Sentence?

Step 1 : Make first independent clause
The cat jumped into the couch.
Step 2 : Make second independet clause
The cat sat down on top of the remote.
Step 3 : Make dependent clause
When Nanda was reaching for the remote control.
Step 4 : Put it together with conjunctions
The cat jumped into the couch and the cat sat down on top of the remote control when Nanda was reaching for the remote control.
The cat jumped into the coach and sat down on top of the remote control when Nanda was reaching for it.
When Nanda was reaching remote control, the cat jumped into the coach and sat down on top of the remote control.

Alhamdulillah this is the last summary about syntax taks in my blog. But it’is not the end about my blog, next time we will meet again and discuss about the other material or etc. that more intersting. Aamiin. Thanks for reading guys... J
Honorable miss ENDANG SARTIKA who is my beloved syntax’s lecturer, I collect these summary to fulfil my assignment. Thank you miss, because of you, so I can  make and write on blog like this. I’m sorry for the bad and wrong blog, because this is my first experience written on blog and i’m still learn about it. I waiting for your comment to my blog, so that it will be better for the next.
Thank you so much J
Wassalamu’alaikum wr,wb. See youu..

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Compound Sentece and Compound-Compex Sentence

     COMPOUND SENTENCE AND COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE         (last syntax summary) Assalamu’alaikum wr,wb What’s up guys...