Senin, 03 Desember 2018

Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase


How are you today the smart reader? I do hope that we're always in good condition and happy situation.

Are you ready to study guys?

Let's learn about Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase.

Noun Phrase
Noun phrase is a group of related words that can act as a single noun-like within unity in a sentence. Noun phrase start with determiners which are placed at the beginning of noun phrase. It's divided into 2 part: basic and complex noun phrase.

Types of Basic Noun Phrase

1). Quantifier + Determiner + Noun

-Most of the animals dance under the tree.
-They block all the ways to get here.
-Few of our classmates are married. How about you?

2). Adjective + Noun

-She is beautiful mother in the world.
-He is such a heplful little brownie Asian girl who always brings mysterious ancient black wooden box everywhere.

3). Det + Adv + Adj + N

-I never see the most pretty man in the world since i know my extremely handsome boyfriend is also a girl.

4). Q + Det + Adj + N

-Some of my best friend are doctors.
-All those smart students are eight grade.
-Three of her cute kitten died last night.

Types of Complex  Noun Phrase

1). Pre-Modifier

Pre-modifier ,including modifiers that stand alone before the head of complex noun phrase.
0. Determiner
1. Adverb
2. Adjective phrase
3. Noun

2). Post-Modifier

Post-modifier, including modifiers that stand alone after the head of complex noun phrase.
0. Adjective
1. Prepositional phrase
2. Invinitive
3. Participle
4. Relative clause


Phrase is a group  of words that have a function in a sentence. Phrase is compound of words that have a function in a sentence. Verb phrase are verbs that are made up of more than one word. Verb phrases consist o a main verb alone, or a main verb plus any modal or auxiliary verbs (helping verbs). Those helping verbs are: could, would, should, can, will, shall, may, might, must, did, do, does, and forms of "to be" (was, were, am, are, is, have been, has been, will be, will have been, and being).

Basic Verb Phrase

Main verb 
- We are here.
- I like it.
- She saws the accident.

The auxiliary verb be and a main verb in the -ing form

- Everybody is watching.
- We were laughing.
- Mr. Prank was singing.

The auxiliary verb have and a main verb in the past participle form

- They have enjoyed themselves.
- I had finished my work.
- Everybody has prepare well.

A modal verb and a main verb

- They will come.
- I can get it.
- He might come.

Intermediate Verb Phrase (1)

1). The auxiliary verbs have and been and a main verb in the -ing form:
- Everybody has been working hard.
- He had been singing.

2). A verb phrase with have, been and the -ing form expresses both perfect aspect and continuous aspect. A verb with have/has expressed  present perfect continuous and a verb with had exprsses past perfect continuous.

Intermediate Verb Phrase (2)

A modal verb and the auxiliaries be, have and have been:
- They will be listening.
- He might have arrived.
- She must have been listening.

Intermediate Verb Phrase (3)

The auxiliary verb be and a main verb in the past participle form:
- English is spoken all over the world.
- This window have been cleaned.
- Lunch was being served.
- The work will be finished soon.

Advanced Verb Phrase

We can use the auxiliaries do and did with the invinitive for:
1). Emphasis
- It was a wonderful party. I did enjoy it.
- I do agree with you. think you are absolutely right.

2). Polite invitations

- Do come and see us some time.
- There will be lots of people there. Do bring your fiends.

Yeaayy the explanation about noun phrase and verb phrase are already finished. I do hope that you can understad well about this material and see you on the my next blog guys!

love you...;)

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