Minggu, 09 Desember 2018

Cas Cis Cus Belajar Clauses !



Hi guys, today we’re going to discuss about “CLAUSES”. It’s interesting right? Okay, Let’s check it out!

                             Definition of Clauses                           

A clause is a group of related words containing a subect and a predicate.
Example: She Teach.

A clause refer to a group of related words (within a sentence or itself as an independent sentence) which has both subject and predicate.
Example: He will visit his grandmother in Malang

(“He” as a subject, will visit his gradmother” as a predicate, and “In Malang” as a phrase).
A clause may stand as a simple sentence or may join another clause to make a sentence. Therefore a sentence consist of one, two or more clauses.

                                 Kinds of Clauses                             
Clauses are divided into main clause (also called independent clause)  and subordinate clauses (called dependent clause).
1.   Main Cause (Independent Clause)
Main clause is a group of words that has a subject and verb. It is used as a part of sentence but is grammatically independent and it could stand alone.
Because you come late more than 30 minutes, you are not allowed to enter the class.
2.   Subordinate Clause (Dependent Clause)
Subordinate clause is a clause which doesn’t express complete thought and need a main clause to express complete thought. It can stand alone as a sentence.
When you meet someone.....

                         Kinds of Dependent Clauses.                  

1.   Adverb Clause
The function of adverb clause is to modify (describe) the situation in main clause in the term of  “time”, Frequency (how often), cause and effect, contrast, condition, intensity (to what extent). A dependent adverb clause begins with an subordinating conjunction below:
Time : when, whenever, since, until, before, after, etc.
Cause and effect : because, now that, as long as.
Contrast : although, even, whereas, while, though.
Condition : if, unless, only, if, wheter or not, efen if, etc.
Although Ahmad was sick, He went to school.
Ahmad went to school although he was sick.
If in an adverb clause come before the independent clause, it is followed by a comma (first sentence).
If it comes after the independent clause, no comma is used.

2.   Adjective Clause
An adjective clause works like adjective in a sentence. The function of an edjective is to modify (describe) a noun or a pronoun.
Clara wears a scarf which looks so beautiful.
Adjective clause begins with relative pronoun (who, that, whom, whose, which) or relative verb (wen and where). Adjective (relative) clause can be restrictive or nonrestrictive clause. 
   Restrictive Clause

A restrictive clause limits the meaning of preceding noun or pronoun.


The student in the class who studied a lot passed the test.
  Nonrestrictive clause

A nonrestrictive clause tells us something about preceding noun or pronoun but does non limit the meaning of preceding noun or pronoun.

The student in the class who attended all the lectures, passed the test.

3.   Noun clause
   A noun clause function as a noun in the sentence. It can be  either a subject or an object. No  comma are necessary. There are three types of noun clause below:
That-clauses are made rom statements and are introduce by the subordinator that .


The bulletin states that sciences courses require a laboratory period.

Scientists believe that they can discover the medicine for HIV.
 Wh-word clauses


I don’t know where the student cafetaria is.
 If/ whether clauses


I don’t know whether I should look for a job or continue my study.

        Alhamdulillah finish...the discussion our material about the “CLAUSES” . Is this blog help            your asking about the clauses? Please give the comment on my blog ! thank you for reading guys....see you letter J
Wassalamu’alaikum wr,wb.

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