Rabu, 28 November 2018

Three Phrases and How To Analyze the Tree Diagram

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Summary of syntax subject.

Assalamu'alaikum happy audiences...!
My beloved reader actually 😊
Welcome back to my blog, I'm so glad to see you again guys !
As usual, I will share some explanation about material of syntax. And in this blog we will learn about some phrases and how to analyze the sentence structure with "Tree Diagram".

Adverbial Phrase
Adverbial phrase is a group of words that serves the same purpose as an adverb. Adverb phrase can modify an adjective or another adverb.
- Muhammad goes to mosque every day.
- Aisyah drives her new car very slowly.

Adjective Phrase
Adjective phrase is a group of words that describe a noun or pronoun in a sentence. Adjective in adjective phrase can appear at the start, end or middle of the phrase. Adjective phrase can be placed before or after the noun or pronoun in the sentence.
- I love the taste of the sweet chocolate of silverqueen.
- The movie was not too terrible.

Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional phrase is a group of words containing prepositions. The functions as an adverb or adjective. 
- We climbed up the hill to see the view. 
- Its annoys me when people talk during movies.

After we studied about phrases, now we have to analyze the structure of sentence with Tree Diagram.

Did you know about Tree Diagram guys ?

Tree diagram is the diagram that shows about the structure of sentence. The function of tree diagram is to divide every single part of sentence and word position in sentence.

There are list of symbols that used in Tree Diagram below:

S (Sentence)
NP (Noun Phrase)
VP (Verb Phrase)
N (Noun)
V (Verb)
Adv (Adverb)
Adj (Adjective)
Adj. P (Adjective Phrase)
Prep (Preposition)
Art (Article)
Pron (Pronoun)
Det (Determiner)
PP (Prepositional Phrase)
Adv. P (Adverbial Phrase)
Aux (Auxiliary)
Poss (Possessive)
Deg (Adv. Of Degree)

How to Make a Tree Diagram ?

- Put the label "S" on the top of branch.
- Divided it to two part of branches and put the "NP" under the left branch and put "VP" under the right branch.
- Then continue your sentence analyze every single part of sentence depend on grammatical sentence structure.
- Let's try it guys ! Fighting !

Let's check it out the examples of analyzing using Tree Diagram below !

1. She wrote a message on the wall   

Explanation of first sentence:
This sentence is consist of NP and VP. NP has pronoun (she). VP consist of V (write), NP that consist Det (a) and N (message), and PP concist of Prep (on) and NP that consist Det (the) and N (wall).

For the next examples, let's try analyze the sentences by yourselves, do the best eaaaks!

2. The baby slept soundly.

3. The children scream histerically.

4. Ken make a cake for the party.

5. Susana is extremely scary movie.

Alhamdulillah the explanation of three Phrases and Tree diagram already finished guys, That's all about my knowledge. I hope that this information can be useful for you and you have understood clearly. I'm sorry for any mistake because here i'm still learn and learn together...

Okay, see you letter happy readerπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

Wassalamu'alaikum wr,wb.

Compound Sentece and Compound-Compex Sentence

     COMPOUND SENTENCE AND COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE         (last syntax summary) Assalamu’alaikum wr,wb What’s up guys...