Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018


Syntax's Summary

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What is adjective did you know ? There are some meanings about adjective below:
  • An adjective is a word that describes and modify a noun. And they are usually used before a noun to describe them.
  • Adjectives are words that modify (change) nouns, pronouns, and other adjectives.
  • Adjectives are words qualifying nouns or describing words. They qualify or describe nouns. They called noun-helper.

My sister is very cute.
Your English is good enough.
Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee.

Adjective Order
  1. Opinion, examples: Nice, pretty, stupid, original, expensive, etc. " A sweet girl "
  2. Size, examples: Big, small, large, tiny, enormous, little, etc. " An enermous cupcake"
  3. Age, examples: Young, old, new, ancient, antique, etc. " An antique car "
  4. Shape, examples: Round, square, flat, straight, etc. " A round coin "
  5. Color, examples: Blue, red, yellow, green, pink. " I have an purple scarf "
  6. Origin, examples: Italian, British, Mexican, Western. " An Italian pizza "
  7. Material, examples: Metal. wooden, plastic, golden, etc. " A wooden house "

  • Determiners are wors that are used before nouns to show which person or thing you are talking about.
  • Determiners come before a noun to show which person or thing the noun refers to.

1. I want to buy that book.

2. There are few people here.

In the above examples, that and few are determiners.

Types Of Determiner

1. Descriptive

A descriptive adjectives are used to describe nouns and pronouns. Example: beautiful, tall, annoying, and nice. These adjectives add information and qualities to the words they are modifying.


  • "The flowers have a nice smell" , the word nice is an adjective descriptive the flowers.
  • The cat is hungry/ the hungry cat", the word hungry is an adjective describing the cat.
2. Quantitative
Describe the quantity of something.


  • "How many siblings do you have?" "I have two siblings".
  • "Do you have many friends?" "Yes, I have many friends".
3. Demonstrative

  • This, used to refer to a singukar noun close to you.
  • That, used to refer to a singular noun far from you.
  • These, used to refer to a plural noun close to you.
  • Those, used to refer to a plural noun far from you.
Demonstrative adjectives always come before the word they're modifying.
"Which bicycle is yours?" "This bicycle is mine, and that one used to be mine until I sold it".

4. Possessive Pronouns, are used to show posession or belonging.

  • My, belonging to me.
  • His, belonging to him.
  • Her,belonging to her.
  • Their, belonging to them.
  • Your, belonging to you.
  • Our, belonging to us.
Example: " This is my shoes "
5. Interrogative
Meaning that they ask question. These adjectives are always followed by a nounb or pronoun, and are used to form question.

  • Which, asked to make a choice between options.
  • What, asks to make a choice (in general).
  • Whose, asks who something belongs to.
"Which colour is your favorite?" not " Which is your favorite colour?".
"Whose child is this "
"What fruit do you want to buy?"

6. Distributive
Always follewed by the noun or pronoun yhey're modifying.
Distributives are used to refer to how people or things divided or shared within a group.
  • Each, every single one of a group ( group members individually)
  • Every, every single one of a group (to make generalitations).
  • Either, one between a choice of two.
  • Neither, not one or the other between a choice of two.
  • Any, one or some things out of any number of choices. "I'll take any of them".
"Every rose has its thom"
7. Articles, before noun.

Definite articles are those point a particular person or thing.

  • A, a singular, general item.
  • An, a singular, general item. Use this before words that start with a vowel.
"I have an apple"
"She is a lecturer"

Indefinite articles, are those articles that leave a person or thing undetermined or confused:
  • The, a singular or plural, specific item.
"He saw the movie"

Alhamdulillah... that's all about adjectives and determiners,I hope you all already understand about this materials. See you...

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